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How Often Should You Mow Your Lawn During the Summer?

Michael Liebold

Mowing your lawn can be a lot of work during the summer. Most people want to mow their lawn more often to keep it looking nice and neat, but is that actually necessary? Summertime is usually associated with things like vacations, outdoor activities, and of course, lawn care. If you are tired of spending all day on your hands and knees with a weed whacker, then this article will help you figure out how often you should mow your garden this summer.

Regular Mowing During Summer

Do you want to keep your garden looking neat all year round? Mowing lawn during the summer is a great way to make sure that it doesn't grow too long, making it easier for you in the fall. It also helps prevent weeds from popping up because of minimal contact with sunlight. For many homeowners, maintaining their home's curb appeal is important; and one way they can do this easily throughout the hot months of summer is by mowing regularly. Anywhere between two to three times per week will be enough time outside if appropriately done on a push or riding mower without damaging your grassroots.

What if my Yard has Some Weeds?

If weeding is something that you are struggling with, then aerating may be the solution to all of your problems regarding keeping your garden looking great during the hot months. Aeration allows air and nutrients to reach areas underneath where they otherwise wouldn't get any attention from natural rainfall or irrigation systems. You can do it by hand using a core aerator, but I recommend renting an electric one which will make short work of long hours spent on hands and knees without harming trees nearby. The process usually takes about two hours per acre, so plan accordingly when choosing between methods of aeration; because even though it sounds like a lot of work, it's worth the effort and will make your land look brand new.

Common Mistakes to Avoid when Mowing During Summer

1) Scalping

Mowing your garden too short will cause it to die and turn brown. Even if you have cool-season grass-like rye, it's important to let the blades get as much sun as possible for optimal growth. It is also common knowledge that cutting the yard too low can lead to dirt getting trapped in the mower when leaving which lessens its performance down the line because of constant exposure to stony soil or potting mix particles.

If you are worried about scalping your long island New York, then lawn brothers advise not to cut more than one inch off at any given time no matter what type of garden you have since this practice causes roots on tall fescue grasses (the most popular variety) to dry out quickly, resulting in less water being absorbed into the ground.

To avoid scalping, make sure you adjust your mower's height so that it is not set too long and isn't left at a super low setting. A good rule of thumb to follow is if the top blade or two blades of grass are visible after cutting, then you know that it has been cut to an appropriate length for summer lawns and gardens.

2) Avoid Wet Grass

If your garden is wet, then it can be hard to cut without the mower slipping and sliding. If you are going to wait for a day or two to let the grass dry out before cutting, then avoid walking on it so that no one damages or compacts the blades of grass when stepping on them.

3) Don't Mow the Same Direction All The Time

Cutting the grass in one direction all of the time can cause it to grow crooked or unevenly. It's best to rotate your mower around a few times before completing the process, ensuring that you get an even cut without any missed spots on either side.

4) Don't Mow too Quickly

Mowing too fast can cause the blade to create uneven patches and leave many clumps in your yard. It's best to go at about one-half mile per hour so that you don't risk damaging any blades or cutting them off near the base, making for an unprofessional-looking garden.

5) Don't Mow with Dull Mower Blades

Dull blades can lead to the garden looking ripped and shredding because they are not cutting evenly. If you notice that your blade is starting to dull in any way, then it's probably time for a new one, so be sure to change out old ones before starting operating on them since this could damage or eradicate the mower. You can consult lawn care services near me in Suffolk county for mowers with good blades.

6) Don't Make your Rows too Far Apart

If you want a perfectly manicured mowing lawn, then it's best to stay in the same spot each time so that your blades can cut evenly. If you are trying to trim or edge and make rows too far apart from one another, this will cause the grass in-between areas to grow at different rates, which could lead to weeds taking over because they have more room than what is available near the edges of other parts of the yard.

It may be tempting when weeding out an area on either side of the row, for example, but if there is no weed control strip installed beforehand, then it's not wise since these types of plants love disturbed soil like most invasive species do. Prevention is better than cure!

When Should the Last Grass Cutting of the Season Be?

The last time that you should cut the grass is typically around early to mid-October. This will ensure that it has a chance to grow and go dormant for winter so as not to be damaged by frost or too much snow accumulation on top of the blades during these colder months.

If your yard requires care all year round, then make sure you trim every two weeks during this time frame to keep growth at bay but with a height similar each time which is about half an inch high. If one wants their garden like this, you can search for lawn care services near me in Nassau County with specific tools available such as reel mowers or weed trimmers that can help them upkeep it easily throughout the season without worrying since they won't need electricity or gas supplies either!

What Else Matters Beside the Frequency of Mowing During Summer?

1) Fertilizing Frequency

A common mistake that homeowners make when it comes to fertilizing their garden is feeding too much. It's best to use a slow-release type of fertilizer in the early spring and then again around midsummer just before you will mow so that your plants. This way, it can have time for this food source to absorb into the soil rather than being washed away or blown off with wind, rain, snowfall, or other types of weather conditions.

2) The Temperature and Soil Type

The type of soil and the temperature are two things that also need to be taken into consideration. Lawns with sand or clay-based soil struggle more during warmer months because they retain heat easier than other types, causing them to dry quickly. The soil is good for masonry companies but not for lawns. This is one reason why it's important for homeowners living in these regions to water their garden between mowing sessions instead of just on days where rainwater has not been able to take care of the job itself.

3) Understand the Growth Rates of your Grass Type

The growth rate of a garden is something that homeowners should be aware of as well. For example, suppose you have zoysia grass in your yard. In that case, it will grow at about an inch every month and has fewer tendencies to develop weeds or pests because its roots are deep enough into the ground for them not to bother with eating away from other types of plants which would help them during their life cycle. This means that one may only need to mow this type once per week on average!

4) Your Lawn Care Habits

Lastly, there are other habits that a homeowner in long island New York may have which would impact how often they need to mow their garden. If you typically go on vacation during the summer or never walk through your yard, it will grow faster and require more attention as soon as possible. These types of yards can become perfect breeding grounds for pests like weeds due to these two factors combined, making sure this is not the case if you don't want them to take over! Then, you can ask lawn brothers in Nassau County, or Suffolk county to take care of it.


So how often should you mow your lawn during the summer? The answer to this question is that it all depends on several factors, such as soil type, environmental conditions, and lifestyle habits. Summer is good for masonry company activities but not for taking care of your garden. Ensure to check in with these aspects before deciding when will be best for you depending on your yard needs!

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