Long Island is New York's southeastern island, which lies in the Atlantic Ocean. The island is almost perfectly parallel to the southern shore of Connecticut. To its east is the vast Atlantic Ocean, while to its west is the shared New York City's harbor.
Homeowners from these counties have passed through thick and thin to get their lawns as green and neat as possible. Mowing, side dressing, trimming, and watering are some standard practices they apply on their grass. With the dense population and small lawn spaces available for each homeowner per neighborhood, attending to grass at their lawns has gradually become a culture among the Long Island residence. Which is the Best Alternative to Plant?
When settling in your new home in Long Island, you would probably wonder which would be the best grass to fit in your lawn. The answer comes in two forms of another question. Do you need a low-maintenance yard or an expensive to maintain but beautiful organic lawn? How many resources in terms of time and money will you set aside to attend to your lawn? There are three types of grass that best suits Long Island; the tall Fescues, the Ryegrass, the Zoysia grass, and the Kentucky bluegrass. The latter requires little or no watering and application of agrochemicals, while the former requires twice as much fertilizer and watering. Experts on organic landscaping highly rate the tall fescues on their growth in Long Island while most residents on the island prefer the Kentucky bluegrass for its deep green color and its tender nature. Tall Fescues The tall Fescues are highly adaptable to a wide range of climates, including the climate in Long Island. This is an excellent choice, especially for Long Island. It will provide you with many options for improving lawn resilience and durability. Tall fescues are by far the most environmentally friendly and cost-effective grasses for Long Island. However, settling for the Kentucky bluegrass is accompanied by acknowledging their high maintenance cost and frequent provision of attention. Kentucky Bluegrass This grass type is associated with an "ideal" grass lawn in the USA. It firms a thick, green, and durable lawn. However, it requires a massive input of efforts to make it grow to its full potential. When fully developed with the best care, the results can be a thumbs up. Ryegrass Ryegrass has a unique fast germination rate. This gives it leverage if you are considering a temporary stay in Long Island. It is a stylish grass that maintains its color into winter. Zoysia This grass type can withstand the hot summers. It is also suitable when you are not planning to design your loan with footpaths as it can withstand heavy foot traffic. Shady Neighborhoods You will or are already settling in a neighborhood with few hours of sunlight a day since most areas in the highly urbanized Long Island are shady owing to the concrete jungle that characterizes the community. The tall fescue is the best choice for you. Ryegrass Better for Patches The ryegrass is yet another type to consider for your lawn. It is mainly helpful for filling up bare patches that might otherwise be overtaken by weeds. However, it is slow and less aggressive when comparing its growth rate with the Kentucky bluegrass. The bluegrass grows in the form of a thick mat that suppresses any weed that might be competing for space. Grass Blends Considering different types of grass blends might be a viable option for your lawn, especially in neighborhoods that are once in a while attacked by notorious pests. When considering blending grasses in your lawn, keep a keen eye on the tall fescues. They do not mix well with other types. They have different growing characteristics that are unique to their kind. If you choose tall fescue, look for a blend that is composed entirely of tall fescue strains. Additionally, if you choose to settle for the ryegrass or fescues blends, make sure to buy the endophyte-enhanced seed. It is characterized by a mutual relationship with the grass and some fungus. The fungus gets hosted on the lawn for its survival while, in return, it provides essential nutrients for more vigorous growth. The robust growth helps the grass to resist drought and pest damage. Unfortunately, the Kentucky bluegrass is not available with these endophytes. The Cheapest Alternative You might be the type that wants to keep a low-key on spending on your lawn. Well, you are covered by the economical maintenance option of the zoysia grass. It is a grass well suited for the warm climate. It thrives well in the summer as it is resistant to drought and heat. When mature, it forms a thick, sturdy mat of turf. Despite its low cost on maintenance, it grows slowly, so it does not to be moved frequently. However, there are some drawbacks associated with the Zoysia grass: It is an aggressive crawler and often stretches to areas it is not wanted It changes to an unpleasant brown color during winter when it is dormant. It is sometimes hard to mow with the standard mowers. Of all the grass types recommended for Lond Island lawns, it is the one which is most prone to thatch problems. This type of lawn is created by plantings plugs and not seeds as the other types. The planted plugs can take tine of up to three planting seasons. Once established, it is difficult to remove. Its removal means digging out the entire lawn to uproot the plugs. How To Plant and Apply Grass Seeds in Long Island Planting of grass in Long Island is best recommended in late summer. Not later than early fall. Seeding during other seasons is not that effective. Immediately after applying the seed in the ground, a routine watering schedule should be established. New seed generally needs daily light watering for about a month. After sprouting, be careful not to water frequently. Water within time intervals recommended on the seed bags. When you water, remember to water until the soil is thoroughly soaked with water. Below are some tips on how to plant grass seeds on Long Island. Aeration is advised to achieve the best germination results. You can reseed to fill in patches left out by previously grown grass. These patches are a source of weeds that are unwanted and gives your lawn an unpleasant look. When reseeding, be careful not to overseed the patches. Drop the required count of seeds to avoid getting grass lumps in the long run. Consider applying top dressing elements, both organic or chemical fertilizer, as recommended by the type of seed. This ensures vigorous and resilient growth. Until the seeds sprout to tender leaves you should water lightly to help them in early development. This daily watering should extend to a maximum of one month. After the seeds have sprouted to a height longer enough to absorb sunlight, gradually reduce the watering routine to a more intense but spacely interval schedule. Mowing should not be done until the grass seeds germinate to height with a regular pattern. Let all the leaves of the grass reach a desirable 2-inch height before the first mowing. Try ad much as possible to keep off the lawn while the seeds are germinating to avoid deteriorating and compacting the soil particles. The first mowing should be done low. Rake to remove dead grass and thatch. Finally, reseeding on an already existing lawn is recommended than completely tearing up and reseeding the entire lawn area. Lawn maintenance, as required by most homeowners in Long Island, should be less intensive, cost-effective and produce better appearance at the end. These lawns, when fully grown with grass, can be an excellent platform to incorporate lawn designing elements. These designs include gravel, rock pathways, sculptures at the center or sides of the lawn, ornamental grasses and flowers. Do not hesitate to contact us for more help and detailed information on the best type of grass to plant on your lawn in Long Island.